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To diagnose the causes of female infertility the doctor is interested in the following > Services > Female infertility testing > To diagnose the causes of female infertility the doctor is interested in the following

To diagnose the causes of female infertility the doctor is interested in the following

Updated 10.07.2022

  • Number of pregnancies and their outcome, the number of childbirths, complications during pregnancy and childbirth, if so – of what nature.
  • Length and duration of the menstrual cycle, blood loss (norm 30-80 ml per cycle), dysmenorrhea (absence of menstruation).
  • Applied methods of contraception, the duration of use.
  • Coitus regularity, frequency, libido disorders.
  • Surgical procedures, operations, pelvic inflammation episodes, history of STDs.
  • Previous oncocytology testing results, treatment due to cervical inflammation.
  • Medication – currently used, long-term use.
  • Profession, work-related harmful factors, smoking, drinking frequency and quantity.
  • Family history – congenital abnormalities, mental retardation, premature menopause.
  • Thyroid disease symptoms, pain in the lower abdomen, galactorrhoea (to pregnancy or breastfeeding unrelated milk secretion from the breasts), hirsutism (excess hair), dyspareunia (persistent or frequent pain in the genital area).